IRG 1: Programmed Multiscale and Multi-Material Control of Functional Soft Matter
Primary MRSEC support (IRG1)
Cheng, K., A. Chortos, J.A. Lewis, and D.R. Clarke, "Photoswitchable covalent adaptive networks based on thiol-ene elastomers," ACS Applied Material Interfaces14 (3), 4552-4561 (2022)
Deng, B., A. Zareei, X. Ding, J.C. Weaver, C.H. Rycroft, and K. Bertoldi, "Inverse design of mechanical metamaterials with target nonlinear response via a neural accelerated evolution strategy," Advanced Materials34 (41), 2206238-9 (2022) and
Deng, B., M. Zanaty, A.E. Forte, and K. Bertoldi, "Topological solitons make metamaterials crawl," Physical Review Applied17 (1), 014004-10 (2022) and
Hajiesmaili, E., N.M. Larson, J.A. Lewis, and D.R. Clarke, "Programmed shape-morphing into complex target shapes using architected dielectric elastomer actuators," Science Advances8 (28), eabn9198-10 (2022)
Hajiesmaili, E. and D.R. Clarke, "Optically addressable dielectric elastomer actuator arrays using embedded percolative networks of zinc oxide nanowires," Materials Horizons9 (12), 3110-3117 (2022)
O'Neill, C.T., C.M. McCann, C.J. Hohimer, K. Bertoldi, and C.J. Walsh, "Unfolding textile-based pneumatic actuators for wearable applications," Soft Robotics9 (1), 163-172 (2022)
Root, S.E., V. Sanchez, J.A. Tracz, D.J. Preston, Y.S. Zvi, K. Wang, C.J. Walsh, S. Homer-Vanniasinkam, and G.M. Whitesides, "An expanding foam-fabric orthopedic cast," Advanced Materials Technologies7 (9), 2101563-12 (2022)
Xiao, M., J. Mao, M. Kollosche, V. Hwang, D.R. Clarke, and V.N. Manoharan, "Voltage-tunable elastomer composites that use shape instabilities for rapid structural color changes," Materials Horizons9 (7), 1954-1961 (2022)
Yao, Y., R.K.A. Bennett, Y. Xu, A.M. Rather, S. Li, T.C. Cheung, A. Bhanji, M.J. Kreder, D. Daniel, S. Adera, J. Aizenberg, and X. Wang, "Wettability-based ultrasensitive detection of amphiphiles through directed concentration at disordered regions in self-assembled monolayers," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119 (43), e2211042119-9 (2022)
Partial MRSEC support (IRG1)
Becker, K., C. Teeple, N. Charles, Y. Jung, D. Baum, D. Weaver, L. Mahadevan, and R. Wood, "Active entanglement enables stochastic, topological grasping," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119 (42), e2209819119-8 (2022)
Bowen, J., S. Mooraj, J. Goodman, S. Peng, D.P. Street, B. Roman-Manso, E.C. Davidson, K.L. Martin, L.M. Rueschhoff, S.N. Schiffres, W. Chen, J.A. Lewis, and M.B. Dickerson, "Hierarchically porous ceramics via direct writing of preceramic polymer-triblock copolymer inks," Materials Today58, 71-79 (2022)
Chang, H., J. Xu, L.A. Macqueen, Z. Aytac, M.M. Peters, J.F. Zimmerman, T. Xu, P. Demokritou, and K.K. Parker, "High-throughput coating with biodegradable antimicrobial pullulan fibres extends shelf life and reduces weight loss in an avocado model," Nature Food3 (6), 428-436 (2022)
Chang, H., Q. Liu, J.F. Zimmerman, K.Y. Lee, Q. Jin, M.M. Peters, M. Rosnach, S. Choi, S.L. Kim, H.A.M. Ardoña, L.A. MacQueen, C.O. Chantre, S.E. Motta, E.M. Cordoves, and K.K. Parker, "Recreating the heart's helical structure-function relationship with focused rotary jet spinning," Science377 (6602), 180-185 (2022)
Chen, S., F. Giardina, G.P.T. Choi, and L. Mahadevan, "Modular representation and control of floppy networks," Proceedings of the Royal Society A478 (2264), 20220082-20 (2022)
Cohen, A.J., M. Kollosche, M.C. Yuen, D.‐Y. Lee, D.R. Clarke, and R.J. Wood, "Batch-sprayed and stamp-transferred electrodes: A new paradigm for scalable fabrication of multilayer dielectric elastomer actuators," Advanced Functional Materials32 (43), 2205394-11 (2022)
Fernandes, M.C., S. Mhatre, A.E. Forte, B. Zhao, O. Mesa, J.C. Weaver, M. Bechthold, and K. Bertoldi, "Surface texture modulation via buckling in porous inclined mechanical metamaterials," Extreme Mechanics Letters51, 101549-6 (2022) and
Forte, A.E., P.Z. Hanakata, L. Jin, E. Zari, A. Zareei, M.C. Fernandes, L. Sumner, J. Alvarez, and K. Bertoldi, "Inverse design of inflatable soft membranes through machine learning," Advanced Functional Materials32 (16), 2111610-8 (2022)
Kaplan, N.C. and L. Mahadevan, "Geometrical dynamics of edge-driven accretive surface growth," Proceedings of the Royal Society A478 (2257), 20210638-19 (2022)
Lewicka, M. and L. Mahadevan, "Geometry, analysis, and morphogenesis: Problems and prospects," Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society59 (4), 331-369 (2022)
Liu, L., G.P.T. Choi, and L. Mahadevan, "Quasicrystal kirigami," Physical Review Research4 (3), 033114-19 (2022)
Mandsberg, N.K., A.V. Shneidman, K.H. Jensen, R. Taboryski, L.H. Nielsen, J. Aizenberg, and A. Boisen, "Gradient droplet arrays by acceleration-mode dip-coating," Advanced Materials Interfaces9 (22), 2200667-10 (2022)
Melancon, D., A.E. Forte, L.M. Kamp, B. Gorissen, and K. Bertoldi, "Inflatable origami: Multimodal deformation via multistability," Advanced Functional Materials32 (35), 2201891-9 (2022) ***Data available upon request
Plumb-Reyes, T., N. Charles, and L. Mahadevan, "Combing a double helix," Soft Matter18 2767-2775, (2022)
Poulain, S., A. Carlson, S. Mandre, and L. Mahadevan, "Elastohydrodynamics of contact in adherent sheets," Journal of Fluid Mechanics947, A16-17 (2022)
Shankar, S., V. Raju, and L. Mahadevan, "Optimal transport and control of active drops," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119 (35), e2121985119-8 (2022)
Uzel, S.G.M., R.D. Weeks, M. Eriksson, D. Kokkinis, and J.A. Lewis, "Multimaterial multinozzle adaptive 3D printing of soft materials," Advanced Materials Technologies7 (8), 2101710-10 (2022)
Van der Hoeven, J.E.S, A.V. Shneidman, N.J. Nicolas, and J. Aizenberg, "Evaporation-induced self-assembly of metal oxide inverse opals: From synthesis to applications," Accounts of Chemical Research55 (13), 1809-1820 (2022)
Yong, E.H., F. Dary, L. Giomi, and L. Mahadevan, "Statistics and topology of fluctuating ribbons," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119 (32), e2122907119-9 (2022)
IRG 2: Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Mechanically Soft Systems
Primary MRSEC support (IRG2)
Battat, S., D.A. Weitz, and G.M. Whitesides, "An outlook on microfluidics: The promise and the challenge," Lab on a Chip22 (3), 530-536 (2022)
Battat, S., D.A. Weitz, and G.M. Whitesides, "Nonlinear phenomena in microfluidics," Chemical Reviews122 (7), 6921-6937 (2022)
King, E.M., Z. Wang, D.A. Weitz, F. Spaepen, and M.P. Brenner, "Correlation Tracking: Using simulations to interpolate highly correlated particle tracks," Physical Review E105, 044608-6 (2022)
Liu, X., J. Wu, K. Qiao, G. Liu, Z. Wang, T. Lu, Z. Suo, and J. Hu, "Topoarchitected polymer networks expand the space of material properties," Nature Communications13, 1622-8 (2022)
Nian, G., J. Kim, X. Bao, and Z. Suo, "Making highly elastic and tough hydrogels from doughs," Advanced Materials34 (50), 2206577-10 (2022)
Plummer, A., P.Z. Hanakata, and D.R. Nelson, "Curvature as an external field in mechanical antiferromagnets," Physical Review Materials6 (11), 115203-20 (2022) ***HOOMD simulation input scripts and other codes are available on GitHub.
Yang, H., X. Chen, B. Sun, J. Tang, and J.J. Vlassak, "Fracture tolerance induced by dynamic bonds in hydrogels," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids169, 105083-15 (2022)
Zhang, G.H. and D.R. Nelson, "Fractional defect charges in liquid crystals with p-fold rotational symmetry on cones," Physical Review E105 (5), 054703-17 (2022)
Partial MRSEC support (IRG2)
Andrejevic, J. and C.H. Rycroft, "Simulation of crumpled sheets via alternating quasistatic and dynamic representations," Journal of Computational Physics471, 111607-17 (2022)
Benzi, R., D.R. Nelson, S. Shankar, F. Toschi, and X. Zhu, "Spatial population genetics with fluid flow," Reports on Progress in Physics85 (9), 096601-29 (2022)
Chen, B., C. Chen, Y. Lou, and Z. Suo, "Strain-stiffening seal," Soft Matter18 (15), 2992-3003 (2022)
Chu, J.-O., Y. Choi, D.-W. Kim, H.-S. Jeong, J. Pil Park, D.A. Weitz, S.-J. Lee, H. Lee, and C.-H. Choi, "Cell-inspired hydrogel microcapsules with a thin oil layer for enhanced retention of highly reactive antioxidants," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces14 (2), 2597-2604 (2022)
Cohen, A.J., M. Kollosche, M.C. Yuen, D.-Y. Lee, D.R. Clarke, and R.J. Wood, "Batch-sprayed and stamp-transferred electrodes: A new paradigm for scalable fabrication of multilayer dielectric elastomer actuators," Advanced Functional Materials32 (43), 2205394 (2022)
Dillavou, S., Y. Bar-Sinai, M.P. Brenner, and S.M. Rubinstein, "Beyond quality and quantity: Spatial distribution of contact encodes frictional strength," Physical Review E106 (3), L033001-6 (2022) ***Data available upon request
Garmann, R.F., A.M. Goldfain, C.R. Tanimoto, C.E. Beren, F.F. Vasquez, D.A. Villarreal, C.M. Knobler, W.M. Gelbart, and V.N. Manoharan, "Single-particle studies of the effects of RNA-protein interactions on the self-assembly of RNA virus particles," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119 (39), e2206292119-11 (2022) ***Data made available in the Supplementary Information
Hanakata, P.Z., A. Plummer, and D.R. Nelson, "Anomalous thermal expansion in Ising-like puckered sheets," Physical Review Letters128 (7), 075902-7 (2022)
Kim, J., K. Luo, and Z. Suo, "A chemical pump that generates high-pressure gas by transmitting liquid fuel against pressure gradient," Advanced Intelligent Systems4 (5), 2100246-8 (2022)
Kim, J., T. Yin, and Z. Suo, "Polyacrylamide hydrogels. V. Some strands in a polymer-network bear loads, but all strands contribute to swelling," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids168, 105017-13 (2022)
Liu, F., Z. Suo, and J. Tang, "How does a glass fabric tear under cyclic force?," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids158, 104659-11 (2022)
Martin, C., L.E. Altman, S. Rawat, A. Wang, D.G. Grier, and V.N. Manoharan, "In-line holographic microscopy with model-based analysis," Nature Reviews Methods Primers2 (1), 1-17 (2022) and
Pan, Y., Z. Suo, and T. Lu, "A thermodynamic model of phase transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels in ionic solutions," International Journal of Solids and Structures257, 111434-6 (2022)
Rockwell, F.E., N.M. Holbrook, P. Jain, A.E. Huber, S. Sen, and A.D. Stroock, "Extreme undersaturation in the intercellular airspace of leaves: A failure of Gaastra or Ohm?" Annals of Botany130 (3), 301-316 (2022)
Saad, A.M., S. Aime, S.C. Mahavadi, Y.-Q. Song, M.P. Yutkin, D.A. Weitz, and T.W. Patzek, "Adsorption of polar species at crude oil-water interfaces: The chemoelastic behavior," Langmuir38 (21), 6523-6530 (2022)
Stephenson, A.B., M. Xiao, V. Hwang, L. Qu, P.A. Odorisio, M. Burke, K. Task, T. Deisenroth, S. Barkley, R.H. Darji, and V.N. Manoharan, "Predicting the structural colors of films of disordered photonic balls," ACS Photonics10 (1), 58-70 (2022)
Vafa, F., G.H. Zhang, and D.R. Nelson, "Defect absorption and emission for p-atic liquid crystals on cones," Physical Review E106 (2), 024704-23 (2022)
Wang, Y., K. Jia, S. Zhang, H.J. Kim, Y. Bai, R.C. Hayward, and Z. Suo, "Temperature sensing using junctions between mobile ions and mobile electrons," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119 (4), e2117962119-6 (2022)
Wang, Y., S. Zhang, Y. Bai, K. Jia, and Z. Suo, "Chemical sensing by interfacial voltage," Cell Reports Physical Science3 (11), 101119-9 (2022)
Zhang, G., J. Kim, S. Hassan, and Z. Suo, "Self-assembled nanocomposites of high-water content and load-bearing capacity," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119 (32), e2203962119-13 (2022)
Zhou, Y., X. Zhang, M. Yang, Y. Pan, Z. Du, J. Blanchet, Z. Suo, and T. Lu, "High-throughput experiments for rare-event rupture of materials," Matter5 (2), 654-665 (2022)
Sessler, C.D., Y. Zhou, W. Wang, N.D. Hartley, Z. Fu, D. Graykowski, M. Sheng, X. Wang, and J. Liu, "Optogenetic polymerization and assembly of electrically functional polymers for modulation of single-neuron excitability," Science Advances8 (49), eade1136-14 (2022)
Zeng, C., M.W. Faaborg, A. Sherif, M.J. Falk, R. Hajian, M. Xiao, K. Hartig, Y. Bar-Sinai, M.P. Brenner, and V.N. Manoharan, "3D-Printed machines that manipulate microscopic objects using capillary forces," Nature611, 68-73 (2022) ***Code for tracking floats from videos, processing surface profilometry data, and processing restoring force measurement data made available on GitHub and Zenodo. Code for numerical calculations of float motion made available on GitHub and Zenodo. CAD files for 3D printing the machines made available at GitHub and Zenodo.
Partial MRSEC support (Seeds/Initiatives)
Qui, L., J.W. Hutchinson, and A. Amir, "Bending instability of rod-shaped bacteria," Physical Review Letters128 (5), 058101-5 (2022)
Zareei, A., D. Pan, and A. Amir, "Temporal evolution of erosion in pore networks: From homogenization to instability," Physical Review Letters128 (23), 234501-6 (2022)