Knowledge Transfer and Community Building:
81st New England Complex Fluids Workshop

Over 20 Years of Complex Fluids Workshops in New England

Over 20 years of New England Complex Fluids workshops in New England

One of the most successful mechanisms to interact with scientists and engineers from industry and other sectors is through the MRSEC-sponsored, quarterly New England Complex Fluids (NECF) Workshops developed by Weitz and Fraden. Michael Cates (upper left), the 19th Lucasian Professor of Mathematics from Cambridge, headlined the 81st NECF workshop at Harvard in December 2019 with over 185 registrants and 60 "sound bites." The Harvard MRSEC hosts the December workshop on the last Friday of the Fall MRS meeting to attract an even wider audience, which included undergraduates from our PREM partner Navajo Tech University (lower left). NECF is continuing online during the Covid-19 crisis with over 175 registrants for the 83rd workshop hosted through UMass-Amherst in June 2020.

David A. Weitz (Physics and Applied Physics)
2019-2020 Harvard MRSEC (DMR-1420570)